Weihai Julia launches new brand image and management

Leading OEM watersport product manufacturer Italian-owned, Chinese-based Weihai Julia has just released a completely new website, logo and corporate video to celebrate its success in growing its capacity.

The website is also showcasing to the public the new expat team members tasked with strengthening Weihai’s operations.

According to EVP of Sales Alberto Solza, Julia had been undergoing a strong management and mentality change trying to move from a small family business into a more corporate focus in order to boost its capacity.

This allowed the factory to grow its capacity by 120% in just 11 months. Although the factory is still facing issues in terms of both supply chain and electricity shortages, it’s fully ready to handle increased demands from its customers.

Together with the Development & Experience Center built in Italy and the new expat team members, we have been supporting all of our customer requests in terms of new product development and delivery accuracy.

This has made us one of the most reliable suppliers in the fishing tackle business.

Next year’s company strategy will see the building of a completely new factory and as well implementing ISO systems.

You can see the new corporate video HERE or watch below: