Debut Taiwan tackle show hailed success

The first-ever Taiwan Tackle Show at the start of October has been described as a resounding success by organisers, after attracting more than 10,000 visitors.

The event, which took place between September 30th and October 2nd built on the growth of the Taiwanese tackle industry itself, which had an estimated market value of $US472 million last year with many respected Taiwanese fishing tackle brands increasing their global recognition.

Charles Chang, president of the Taiwan Fishing Tackle Association (TFTA), said: “This is a remarkable achievement with a vision looking for next international partnership.”

Highlights included the introduction of recreational fishing in the island and marine sustainability. Demonstrations of fishing tackle recycling were also shown on-site during the event.

The organisers explained they felt it was an event for family activities and also placed much emphasis on the protection of sea resources.

The show was also supported by the government and academia such as Keelung Municipality and Taipei University of Marine Technology, with a mission to educate people how to know more about, to approach and to enjoy the ocean.

The show organiser , under a public policy called “Respect Our Sea” by the Ocean Conservation Administration (OCA), has been helping Taiwanese people to better understand the spirit of sustainable leisure fishing and protection of sea resources.

TFTA says it will continue to devote itself to the interaction and education of the industry and the promotion of sport fishing.

A fishing carnival was also due to be held at Stone Park, Taichung on October 30th.