$2 million NSW recreational fishing program announced

A recreational fishing infrastructure grants scheme worth $2 million has been announced, alongside the largest ever survey of New South Wales fishing licence holders.

The grants program is part of the Government’s plan to ensure more of the licence fees collected from recreational fishers are invested back into the small infrastructure that makes the sport accessible, safe and convenient.

In addition, the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) will undertake a state-wide survey of anglers so they can provide direct feedback on potential future investment from the Recreational Fishing Trusts, who hold the licence fee income.

The NSW Government also aims to make the grant applications processes clearer and simpler to give fisheries clubs a better chance of success while also showing that the trusts have reinvested the money wisely and improving communication with clubs and fisheries.

The NSW Government also said the program will make it easier for fishing clubs, community groups and other organisations to apply for funding for projects such as fishing platforms, fish cleaning tables and other facilities.

Meanwhile, the survey will provide licence-holding anglers with greater input on the way fishing fees are spent and will reinforce the Government’s commitment to the transparent and accountable management of public funds.

It will focus on several potential investment areas including fish stocking and breeding, fishing platforms and aggregation devices, artificial reefs and habitat improvements, education programs to encourage youngsters and fishing regulation awareness.

Minister for Agriculture Tara Moriarty said: “The survey is an important way for the Government to understand how recreational fishers would like to see licence fees spent.”